

Dhyana Kearly

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About Me

How do you shine? I shine creatively. Professionally I write articles, create content and manage various online accounts and websites for doctors, lawyers, dentists, government agencies and others. To some I am a social media wizard, to others a graphic design artist and for others still, a WordPress development professional (

My deeper interests lie in nature, alchemy and energy healing, shamanism and mystic explorations. My more unique talents involve intuiting dream symbols for deeper understanding and providing my own unique version of spiritual energy work for the DHN. I also write about my many mystical experiences, some of which can be found on my website:


Reiki, energy healing, quantOm calibration, past life recall, the intellectual darkweb, the morphogentic fields, Rupert Sheldrake, ancient civilizations, forgotten timelines, dream symbols, Graham Hancock, New Earth, transformation, consciousness, the hard problem, more.

My Services

Title of Service or Organization

Dhyzen & QuantOm Calibrations


Professionally I write articles, create content and manage various online accounts and websites for doctors, lawyers, dentists, government agencies and others. To some I am a social media wizard, to others a graphic design artist and for others still, a WordPress development professional (

My deeper interests lie in nature, alchemy and energy healing, shamanism and mystic explorations. My more unique talents involve intuiting dream symbols for deeper understanding and providing my own unique version of spiritual energy work for the DHN. I also write about my many mystical experiences, some of which can be found on my website: where I offer free Intuitive Readings from the Akashic field.


Business Support, Health & Healing, Spiritual Consultants


Bend, Oregon

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Dhyana Kearly

Profile picture of Dhyana Kearly


active 5 years, 4 months ago